• Aaker Model
  • brand equity model- aaker

AAKER model template is a flowchart ppt diagram demonstrating brand equity's importance in the business. This Aaker model of brand equity has been put on by David Aaker, an American marketing consultant, as a blueprint of brand equity and identity. It includes five different brand topics: brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality, and proprietary assets. It describes how marketers can identify, measure, and strengthen a company's brand with the help of the Aaker model technique. These five combinations increase the value of products, thereby building brand equity and brand loyalty. He says brand equity can help retrieve information about a brand. It helps customers learn and understand the brand. Moreover, brand equity help increases customer confidence in their buying decisions. Further, he says, it also increases customer satisfaction because customers feel confident in the brand's quality.

The Aaker model template for powerpoint presentations allows teaching the marketing team how to set a brand-building process. The five elements of brand equity in the Aaker model are as follows.

Brand association: this element assesses the depth of connections customers have to a brand. For example, if the customer feels happy when someone says the company’s name. It is based on data gathered by a customer through advertising and other modes.

Brand loyalty: brand loyal help reduce marketing costs. It can measure the support that customers have for a brand. For example, a customer who only purchases home appliances of a particular brand shows their loyalty to that brand.

Brand awareness: it is measured by the public familiarity with a brand. For example, people know a specific company in a particular area, and its products are an example of brand awareness.

Perceived quality means public understanding of a company’s products/services. Therefore, perceived quality would be a determinant of differentiating competitors.

Proprietary assets: refer to intangible assets of a company like trademarks, copyrights, patents, or intellectual property rights. These assets help improve companies’ reputations.

Aaker model powerpoint presentation is a neat and clean design to show different topics that have theoretical conceptualizations. Download the Aaker template and demonstrate brand building process.