
Creative 3d Stacked representations have always been considered as a great way to emphasize any topic at hand, they tend to provide a better idea compared to any 2D representation. The effectiveness of the slide seems to improve with a 3D template, the Creative 3D Stack template is an assurance of the same. It ensures the data to be presented to get a better attention by the different flooring design it has to offer. The interesting thing to note about this is the similarity it generates when compared to a tower. Just as the tower is built of roof upon roof, this template gives an idea of a task leading onto another or as the name suggests one stacked upon another to build a total structure. The tasks can be rated as per finding and be arranged as per the priority of each one. This template may also be used to represent hierarchy or evolution depending upon the need of the presenter. The coloring adds to the life the template, apart from the 3D representation and the stacking this is another plus when someone wishes to use it. The variety of uses that can be possible is unlimited and is up to the presenter how they wish it to be used. This can also be used to focus on a process while providing the liberty to highlight the steps involved. Creative 3D stack can find its use if looking for a well-represented stack of events or representation of a task leading to another depending completely on how one wants to use it. The stack can also be used for representing the very important and simple LIFO and FIFO methodologies. This can be the considered a slide for multiple focus areas or a template with limitless potential to help anyone in presentation areas