• employee training

This PowerPoint Slide Deck for Training contains 22 slides that can be used to provide training to employees. This training PowerPoint template includes the following slides:

  1. Cover slide
  2. Page of Contents Slide
  3. Slide on off-the-job training.
  4. Slide on on-the-job training.
  5. Slide covering the objective of training session.
  6. Infographic showing the training process.
  7. Whiteboard illustration explaining areas of training.
  8. Method of training ppt
  9. Slide on different types of Training
  10. Slide on training process
  11. Timeline PowerPoint showing models of organizing training department.
  12. Customer model PowerPoint flowchart
  13. The faculty model simple flowchart design
  14. Matrix model complex flowchart template
  15. The corporate university model arrow timeline template
  16. Poster presentation slide showing benefits of training.
  17. Slide on training programs and its advantages
  18. A slide on limitations of training
  19. Thank you slide.

This template can be used for creating slides to help you take training sessions. The slides covered here can be used to communicate training objectives, methodologies, agenda and more so you can give professional training experience to your users.

This template will find use for anyone who’s been assigned to take training sessions. If you’re an HR professional, trainer, coach or are otherwise involved in designing and taking training programs you will find this template useful.

If you’re using this template to create training programs, some other templates you will find useful are employee onboarding templates, workshop planning, and any of our other HR focused templates. At Slidebazaar we have a variety of business-focused templates and infographic slides which can be used for creating the deck you need.