• Customer Acquisition Channels Powerpoint and Keynote template
  • Customer Acquisition Channels Powerpoint and Keynote template
  • Customer Acquisition Channels

Customer acquisition channels are multifaceted. They are complex and varied. Customer acquisition includes PR, community service, print, mass media, events, strategic partnerships, SEO, direct mail, referral programs, email marketing, merchandising, and search engine marketing. Businesses depend on customer acquisition and customer retention to thrive and grow their revenue. The old art of publicity encompasses gaining media attention through traditional media outlets like news outlets, newspapers, magazines, and TV. Startups are in the most need of media attention and coverage. Startups need to concoct novel strategies to leverage the rapidly changing media landscape to get traction. Search engine marketing (SEM) refers to placing advertisements on search engines such as Google or Bing. Search engines are the go-to place for hundreds of millions of internet users. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a persistent ongoing process of ranking on top in search engine results pages and getting millions of unique visitors to a website. Email marketing is a glorified version of cold calling. The Customer Acquisition Channels templates are an effective way for prospects while retaining and monetizing existing customers. Advertising today has become very personalized. Email is tailored to individual tastes and requirements such that every email communication is relevant. Community building means fostering strong interconnections among customers and the company whether it be a startup, small, medium, or large-scale enterprise. And it is no surprise that most new business comes from referrals. Quite different from traditional advertising word-of-mouth is akin to content going viral online. Strategic alliances are an agreement between two organizations with a common purpose that helps to pool copious amounts of resources and successfully complete challenging projects. A central VIBGYOR wheel is a focal point that leads to different means of customer acquisition. The template comes in light and dark shades. The Customer Acquisition Channels template is completely editable and is available in both PowerPoint and Keynote templates. Download more arrow templates here.