Present Different Management Theories Using High-Quality PowerPoint Slides

What is a theory?
A theory is a logical set of a proposition based on the body of facts that have been constantly confirmed through observation and experiment. Human knowledge is based on these logical propositions. You can only prove your arguments with the supporting evidence. So, the question, “can you prove it” is a billion dolor question, which has been transformed the entire world. Similar to other fields of knowledge, business management has formed the right theoretical conceptualization that can be used to achieve the desired goals of an organization.
Business theories are the set of universal rules that guide the managers to manage an organization. Principles are a description to assist employees to efficiently relate to the business goals and apply effective means to achieve the same. There are different theories, which support the practical approaches of business enterprises. In this corporate world, business management relies on both theoretical and practical integration. So, corporate PowerPoint presentations always need professional PowerPoint slides that show different theoretical conceptualizations.
Here, let us go through some important theories and its PowerPoint images. In our discussion, these following theories are going to be reconnoitered.
1. Liebig’s law
2. Herzberg’s hygiene theory
3. Kotter’s 8 step change model
4. Kubler ross theory
5. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
6. Bowman’s strategy clock
7. Abell’s model for strategic planning
8. Ansoff matrix
9. Porter five forces
10. Tuchman’s team development
11. Mckinsey 7 s framework
12. Pareto principle
13. Porter’s value chain
These 13 different management theories are designed in visual graphics for easy business presentations. Further, these education PowerPoint presentations will ease the teachers for an effortless theory presentation.
1. Liebig’s law
Liebig’s Law of the minimum template for PowerPoint presentation is a creative design that displays the specific elements of agricultural science. The model associates the concept of the biochemical plant nutrients and plant productivity. But, the slide design is ideal for business presentation, along with sales and marketing strategies. Use this Liebig’s Law of the minimum framework to display optimal growth for the business.
The law of the minimum concept first stagey by j. von Liebig in 1840, that the degree of growth of a plant, the size to which it grows, and its overall health rest on the amount of the rarest of its necessary nutrients that is available to it. This concept is now broadened into a general model of limiting factors for all organisms, including the limiting effects of excess of chemical nutrients and other environmental factors. This theory reveals a universal strategy for all business models. So, the business consultants and investigators can integrate this theory with existing business models. In short, the theory states that if one of the essential plant nutrients is lacking, plant growth will be poor even when all other nutrients are lavish. Only by increasing the amount of lacking nutrient, you can improve plant growth.
Liebig’s law PowerPoint template uses the image of a barrel with water leakage. Each stripe in the diagram indicates the nutrients that are essential for the plant’s growth. Similarly, business strategy developers and planners can portray their concepts by this barrel illustration. The law of minimum takes on added importance, for instance, the price of advisements in marketing is high; at this point business professionals should look minimum and law alternatives to market their product or service. The PowerPoint is best for multiple business analysis that often helps companies to fill the market gap and loses. The presenters can use the theory to emphasize the importance of tiny ingredients that also have a role in business and organizational growth.
Note: The Liebig’s ppt template is a perfect tool for agriculture PowerPoint presentation.
2. Herzberg’s hygiene theory
What do people want from their jobs? Do you think they just want high salary itself? Herzberg’s two-factor theory is an excellent management tool for demonstrating the employee’s requirements and what they actually want from an organization.
Herzberg hygiene and motivational factors PowerPoint template is an administration tool explaining the two factors of motivation surrounded in a working atmosphere. It tries to explain the correlating factors between employee motivation and workplace dissatisfaction. Herzberg PowerPoint template is ideal for business managers or executives to display the, how employees inspired in a working context. This PowerPoint template is perfect for human resource departments to enhance the efficiency and capability of an employee. The two conflicting arrows and like and dislike image focus on the two opposing factors of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among the employees. The Herzberg framework defines the two factors as Demotivators and motivators. Herzberg theory clarifies the practical way of boosting motivational factors.
Herzberg theory of motivation template shows the inherent idea of the Herzberg model by these amazing images. This theory is also called a dual-factor theory or two-factor theory or the theory of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. These are the two type of motivation an individual will get from internally and externally. Some factors in a workplace can cause job satisfaction while some set of factors can cause dissatisfaction. Frederic Herzberg is an American psychologist who penned this theory in 1959. By conducting survey research in a group of people in the workplace, he asked their good and bad experiences at work. He established people job satisfaction depends on two kinds of factors. Factors of satisfaction are motivators and satisfiers and factors of dissatisfaction are hygiene and dissatisfiers’. Recognition, performance, responsibility, job status and opportunities are the motivators or satisfiers. Salary, relationship with co-workers, secondary working conditions, the relationship between supervision and employee come under the second category list that is hygiene factors or dissatisfiers.
Herzberg hygiene motivation theory emphasizes these two factors aren’t polar opposites, the factors linked to employee motivation arise from the condition of the job itself.
Note: Herzberg two factor theory presentation template is an animated PowerPoint creation ideal for presenting two opposite concepts.
3. Kotter’s 8 step change model
Is your next corporate presentation related to organizational change? Or, are you preparing for your next presentation on Kotter’s change model? Then, you need an excellent visual aid to share the kotter’s 8 step theory of change model. Create Kotter change model template for PowerPoint presentation. Every Industry whether it may be Business, sports, educational or any other sector witness changes. It can be technological developments, new creativities, etc. These changes drive to a better and effectual way of working. Whether it can be a small change or a system-wide change its common; the organization feels intimidated by the changes. The Kotter Change Model has a breakdown structure of 8 steps:
• Crafting Urgency: Analyzing and emphasizing the threats which may come in future.
• Form a Guiding Coalition: Form a dominant coalition team by adding effective members from the organization, stakeholders who would be working as a team member until the entire process.
• Form a Vision and Strategy for Change: Formulate a clear vision, which everyone can easily understand, what the business can do in given frame time. Also add the strategies for achieving the overall success, which the audience can easily grasp.
• Communicate Vision: Engage with team members, leaders and create support and acceptance among the employees for upcoming changes. It’s just like a brainstorming session; ask about everyone’s opinion, concerns and anxieties seriously. The new changes have to be fully adopted among the entire organization.
• Removing Obstacle: Have a regular check for obstacles and people who act as a barrier in implementing changes. Take proactive actions for eliminating the obstacles.
• Create Short-Term Wins: Nothing motivates more than a success. Early-stage wins entrust the team about the success of the change policy.
• Build on Improvements: With early-stage wins, management should not depend on the same policy. It should look for improvement, then only after multiple wins; it can be determined that the change is paying off.
• Anchor the Change: To implement change stick to it. Ensure the change become an integral part of your organization.
Kotter change management model ppt slide is beneficial to present strategic changes for an organization. This visual image describes what management changes should be framed for effective business growth. With the eight-step Kotter management model ppt template you can display your strategy development progression in a step by step manner. The Kotter change management has portrayed by a victorious cartoon character. This PPT Slide is useful for management and business professionals. Kotter change management model template carries the concept of change which is indispensable for the promotion of business product or organization. Copy Kotter Change Management keynote and create an inspiring change model PPT Presentation.
Note: this Kotter’s change model template is a cartoon illustration of the growth model. The editable template allows you to create own images instead of the default ones.
4. Kubler Ross theory
Kubler Ross theory is a psychological skit regarding death and dying. But it is best to understand change management. All change involves loss at some level. The 5 stage model is used to perceive how people react to change at different times.
Kubler Ross change curve PowerPoint template is screening a psychosomatic idea rather than a commercial concept. However, this concept can be combined into the business presentation. The visual representation of the five stages can be used to show change management. The curve can successfully use by business professionals to help their staff members adapt to change and move towards achievement. The five stages, denial, frustration, depression, experiment and decision are only alternatives to Kubler’s, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These are patterned in the many levels of emotions which are feeling by a person who is experiencing near death. This is commonly known as the five stages of grief.
Denial or the shock is the first stage of Kubler Ross theory; this is the reaction towards a change because generally, people hesitate to accept change. For example, in business or organization, quick changes from the part of management may not be accepted by the workforce. On the other hand, companies or high-level policymakers could anticipate denial as the opportunity for creative arrangement. The second stage frustration or anger is necessary for the curative processes. The company executives should ready to feel the anger of staffs, the more you truly feel, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal. This is the part of anger management from both management and staff sides.
The Kubler Ross change curve PowerPoint template is trying to outline the phases of threat or grief a man confronting in the lifecycle. The emotional changes towards a loss may inhibit the output of creation. Before a loss you will bargain, after a loss bargaining may take the form of a temporary ceasefire. This is a long duration period. We will do whatever we can, not to sense the pain of this loss. Acceptance is the last stage about accepting the reality that our loved one is actually gone and be familiar with the new reality is the permanent truth. Every organization needs to bring about changes in its management and people. Thus, the theoretical framework supports in delivering several changes in the systems and processes in business, work or employment.
Note: here, a visual line graphic has used to create Kubler Ross change curve presentation, useful for presenting points of an activity such as customer journey map.
5. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
What motivates human behavior? Why do humans are engaged in certain actions? Abram Maslow is uncovering the facts behind individual action by his theory of motivation. This theory is encompassing all realm of human life including business and success. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs PowerPoint template is designed as a study tool for psychology students and business management professionals. This well-known theory has its own relevance in contemporary business management presentations. This Maslow’s PowerPoint template allows the user to clearly lay out the different aspects of the career that an employee needs in order to be pleasant and fulfilled. The template can be a remarkable tool during the HR meeting, to present the different needs of an individual in his entire lifespan. The need hierarchy theory of Abraham Maslow is been arranging the needs of an individual in a step by step sequence.
Maslow’s need hierarchy theory suggests that people are motivated to fulfil basic needs before moving on to other, more advanced needs. There are 5 different stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. At the very bottom, physiological needs; then comes, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. This need pyramid has prioritized by the basic instincts. The lowest levels of the pyramid are made up of the most basic needs, while the most complex needs are the top of the pyramid. As people moving up the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social.
This five needs can be classified into deficiency needs and growth needs. The Maslow’s hierarchy PowerPoint template indicated that individual must satisfy lower level deficit needs before moving ahead on to meet higher level growth needs. The deficiency needs arise due to the deprivation and are said to motivate people when they are unmet. If the duration of basic needs is longer, the motivation to fulfil such needs will become stronger. Self-actualization need is placed top in Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid. Very few people will meet this ecstasy of state. It is the desire to become the most that one can be.
Note: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are presenting with a pyramid PowerPoint template ideally suitable for illustrating the step by step prioritization.
6. Bowman’s strategy clock
Business management presentation includes different theoretical frameworks. Business professionals or students have a better knowledge of different business strategy theories. Bowman’s strategy clock is a theoretical model that explores the options for strategic positioning. That is how a product should be positioned to give it the most competitive position in the market. The purpose of bowman’s strategy clock PowerPoint template is to display that a business will have a variety of options of how to position a product based on two-dimension- price and perceived value.
Bowman’s Strategy Clock comprises 8 strategies which are designed as a clock with a Cartesian axis. The competitive strategies are:
1. Differentiation
2. Focused differentiation
3. Increased price/standard product
4. Increased price/low values
5. Low values/standard price
6. Low price and low values
7. Low cost
8. Hybrid
With related to Bowman strategy, an organization can analyze and identify which approach is more suited to its sphere. For instance, increased price / standard product; most business will find this is to be perhaps the most difficult on the clock to occupy. With this strategy, if you are merely going to increase the price without change the quality of your product. Risky, you could find a decline in the form of more considerable profit margin, or you could see your sales numbers quickly slipping down while you hurry to lower price once again.
Note: this is a professional circle diagram template, also perfect for hub and spoke PowerPoint presentation
7. Abell’s model for strategic planning
Abell’s business model provides a clear market map of the current activities of an organization. What changes you can bring for your organization’s strategies can be analyzed using Abell’s model. Abell’s model PowerPoint template is a prerequisite for business professionals and teachers to easily educate their team members or students regarding customer-focused strategies. This structure tries to answer three questions that play a vital role in the formulation of organizations mission outlook. To get a good overview of the innumerable customers and their needs and to find out precisely what technologies should be used to satisfy these customers. As per this model strategic planning process is the starting principle for any given organization, this process known as the mission statement. Three questions play a vital part in the formulation of the mission statement is:
1. Who are the customers of the organization?
2. How can the organization meet customer requirements?
3. What technologies does the organization use to meet customer needs?
Abell’s chart displays three queries in three axes; Horizontal axis positioned with the customer groups. Vertical axis with customer needs, and an Inclined axis with the applied technologies. The Abells ppt template demonstrates the overall summary of Abell’s business model. A user can easily download and use the slide to transmit strategic orientations of own company or business. Company managers, promoters, sales and marketing consultants can use this slide with outstanding presentations.
Note: Abell’s model template for PowerPoint presentation is a typical illustration of the Abells model diagram created with the easily understandable layout.
8. Ansoff matrix
Ansoff’s matrix is a growth model that helps a business determines its product and market growth strategy. It provides 4 different growth strategies. This model includes concepts of; market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. The Ansoff matrix proposes that a business’s attempts grow to be governed by whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing markets.
To simply present the Ansoff model market planning, you need a seamless diagram. Ansoff Matrix PowerPoint template gives an elaborate description of growth strategies with a simple ppt design. How does a business whether it is existing or new can adopt a policy for growth? Ansoff matrix ppt template is a great tool to solve this question related to market penetration, market development, product development and product-related diversification with accepted parameters.
Note: this diagram is created as an exclusive PowerPoint template for Ansoff matrix presentation.
9. Porter five forces
Why do you are far behind from your competitors? Or why do some industries are more profitable and others are lagging behind? Porter’s five forces theory is attempting to provide solutions for your business maelstroms. This theory is trying to identify and analyzes five competitive forces that shape every industry, and helps determines organizations strengths and weaknesses. Porter’s five forces PowerPoint template is a necessary requirement for market consultants to give an overall idea of the five forces theory. This model can also determine the intensity of any industrial competition and the level of its profitability. The following are the five forces:
♦ Rivalry: This force determines how competitive and profitable industry is. Intense rivalry competition results in low profit.
♦ The threat of new candidates in a market: This force enables the strategist to determine how easy or hard is to enter an industry. The smoother the entry into a marketplace, the higher is the risk of market shares getting depleted.
♦ Power of supplier: This force analyses the power of business supplier. Strong power allows the supplier to sell the product or service at higher prices; they may also sell low-quality materials.
♦ Power of buyers: This force lets the buyer affect pricing and quality. Consumer power is high when there aren’t many buyers of a product, but lots of sellers are available.
♦ The threat of new substitute products: This force is threatening when buyers find substitute product at a low price and of better quality.
Business presentation tends to analyze market competition and the success and failure of an industry or a product. The porters five forces analysis PowerPoint will be a better option for presentation market competition and its solutions.
Note: this is an inward arrow diagram for PowerPoint presentation suitable for presenting a central topic and its supporting elements.
10. Tuchman’s team development
Normally, theory classes will bore the students or the audience. And the presenter won’t see any encouraging signs from the audience part. Therefore, a well-structured visual graphic is essential to get rid of these situations. Tuchman’s team development concept needs such a diagram that makes audience engagement 100%. A project team should able to tackle problems, face up to challenges, find solutions, plan work, and deliver results. For this, Bruce Tuchman has formulated four necessary phases that are necessary and inevitable for team development.
The Tuchman’s team development model PowerPoint demonstrates four inevitable steps that allow growth to a team. The concept is propounded by Bruce Tuchman in 1965, it aims to produce solutions to a problem that can arise in a team and allows the groups to grow. The Tuchman’s construction is a combination of psychology, personality and management concepts. His theory and model involves four stages; forming, storming, norming and performing. When the members in a group meet and decide on their task and assign responsibilities and duties, that stage is called Forming. Storming is the next stage where minor disputes and clashes occur within the group; if not resolves sooner the group dies instantly. Groups that survive this clash grow stronger and develop closeness and work responsibly towards the goal in the norming stage and lastly when they achieve success through all their hard work, that stage is called Performing.
Note: Tuchman’s group development model PowerPoint template is a growth diagram enables the step-by-step presentation of each stage.
11. Mckinsey 7 s framework
Mckinsey 7s framework is an influential tool that analyzes firm’s organizational design by looking at 7 key internal elements, these elements are; strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff and skills. Mckinsey framework looks into how effectively these are aligned and allow the organization to achieve goals. The seven key elements, that determine the organization’s success should be symbiotic and aligned for producing synergistic outcomes. Mckinsey 7s model ppt template is a great instrument to present different stages of goal attainment. These can be used to determine the consequences of the past event, the current status of the company and the future outcomes and impacts which can be gained from the various activities that the company has engaged in.
The key point of the Mckinsey model is that all the seven areas are interconnected and a change in one area requires a change in the rest of an organization for it to function effectively. The model is comprised of ‘Soft Ss’ and ‘Hard Ss’. The shape of the framework emphasizes the interconnectedness of the elements.
Note: Mckinsey 7s PowerPoint template is a connected diagram typically represents the interrelationship of the variables.
12. Pareto principle
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is one of the most popular statements used in business. Named after the economist Vilfredo Pareto, who published a well-known paper that revealed how nearly 80% of Italy land was owned by 20% of the population. The rule states that many events, near the 80% of the effects are a result of 20% of the causes.
Important takeaways of Pareto rule:
♦ 80 per cent of process defects arise from 20 per cent of the process issues.
♦ 20 per cent of your sales force produces 80 per cent of your company revenues.
♦ 80 per cent of deferments in schedule stand up from 20 per cent of the possible causes of the deferments.
♦ 80 per cent of customer complaints arise from 20 per cent of your products or services.
Pareto’s 80-20 rule is one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management. The Pareto PowerPoint template can be used to show the 80 per cent effect and 20 per cent cause of sales and marketing. 80% of the outcomes will come from just 20% of the action. The Pareto principle can be used to analyze social and economic development scenarios. That is 20% of the brilliance shapes the nation and its development. Similarly, the company’s growth and development depends on its 20% of the workforce.
Note: the 9 slide PowerPoint for Pareto 80/20 rule presentation is a symbolic template ensures the comprehensive understanding of the topic.
13. Porter’s value chain
Value creation leads to competitive advantage. Porter’s value chain PowerPoint diagram is useful in logistics and presentation on operation management, customer relations, product development and supply chain management. The strength of the analysis is its approach. In this analysis, Michael Porter mainly focuses on the systems and activities with customers as the central principle rather than on departments and accounting expense categories.
Porter’s value chain analysis involves a number of activities, namely primary and supportive activities. Primary activities have an immediate effect on the production, conservation, sales and support of the products or services to be supplied. These elements are visualized through the value chain PowerPoint template; that consists, inbound logistics, production, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and service. The PowerPoint diagram is an exclusive creation for business management professionals and management consultants. It delineates the importance of the distribution system of a company and how they are liable to create the value of the company.
Note: list your companies activities that create value to the organization with this predesign value chain analysis template
Make your presentation thrilling and informative using the theory business presentation slides. Animations and visual effects help your presentation eye-catching and penetrating to the minds. Choose these strategy PowerPoint templates for slideshows without dropping a single element of the theoretical framework.