5 Ways to Make a Compelling Presentation Using Document Creation Platforms

It’s not easy to be insightful and presentable. In fact, the act of crafting a presentation can be so stressful that many people simply forget about it. But you’re not like that, are you? You know how important it is to project your ideas clearly, concisely, and powerfully.
It’s no secret that making a presentation is often one of the most stressful parts of your job. The fear that no matter what you do, it won’t be good enough can totally paralyze people into not even thinking they have something to present in the first place.
When you see successful presentations, however, they all seem to stand out in one way or another—by injecting life and energy into their content, telling a story, being informative and shareable—whatever good presentations do. And you can do all these with the help of the best document creation software because they can give you more flexibility and help you tell your story in a way that makes your audience think, “Wow!”
1. Inject life and energy into your presentations
If you want to deliver a presentation that’s more than just words on a screen, try one of these tools. Recent presentation statistics say that over 35 million PowerPoint presentations are given to more than 500 million audiences on a daily basis. Although PowerPoint remains the most popular presentation platform, there are many document production software examples you can use too.
The most important thing about a presentation is that it’s dynamic. You can’t just stand there and talk to your audience–you have to engage them so they will listen, learn and remember what you’re saying.
And the best way to do this is by using document generation tools to create visuals that are engaging and relevant, such as infographics, videos, or animations. If you give presentations frequently, you can rely on document management systems to keep all your content and media files safe and readily accessible.
It’s very likely that you’ve seen presentations that were flat and boring. Presenters who are afraid of making mistakes or being unoriginal often end up falling into this trap because they want everything to be perfect.
The problem is, trying too hard to make it perfect just makes it boring. What can you do about this?
One solution is to inject life and energy into your presentation by using images and videos. Most people think of presentations as a big, boring sit-down affair. But they don’t have to be like that. In fact, you can make your presentation more lively by using these methods:
- Embed videos and animations to illustrate points
- Add music or sound effects for emphasis
The best presentations are alive. They move, they breathe, and they inspire. And while you may not be able to give your presentation the same kind of life that you see in a Pixar film, there are some simple changes you can make to make it more engaging.
2. Tell a story, and make your audience feel something
In a presentation, it can be easy to become distracted by the details of what you’re saying. You might have your slides up, but you’re focused on your words and not on how they’re being received by your audience.
Many people make the mistake of assuming that data is enough. But data without context means nothing. The best presentations are more than just facts, figures, and charts: They tell a story.
Leverage the power of creation platforms to your advantage. If 86% of marketing professionals use videos in their jobs, you can do the same to make your presentations engaging and effective.
Make your presentation more powerful by adding humor and drama. Nothing beats a good laugh or two in keeping your audience glued to what you’re saying. The best time to strike is when the iron is hot, and this will ensure people will remember most of the points you’ve shared.
3. Give people something they can use
People attend presentations for a few reasons, one of which is to get something in return. Hence, we need to give them something they can use.
Make sure your presentation is relevant and applicable to the lives of your audience members. Provide real-world examples of how the information you’re presenting can be applied to people’s daily lives. Tell your points and ideas through captivating stories that are relevant and relatable.
Tell the audience what they can do with what you’re telling them. Provide use cases or even actual scenarios where your main points have been applied in real life. This will guide them in applying what you’ve said later on.
Make your presentation understandable. Write a summary of your presentation before giving it so that there’s no question about what you want your audience to get out of it. To create hand-outs, you can use your reliable automated document generation software.
4. Make your presentation as informative as possible
In this information age, information remains king, especially in presentations that you make. Hence, you need to make sure that you provide plenty of content for your audience.
Use visuals, charts, graphs, and other types of visual aids to present data in a more easily digestible format. You can even convert your presentation to a Word document.
Depending on the situation, use statistics, case studies, and other data points to back up your claims. This will bring credence to what you say.
Know the subject matter inside and out. You don’t have to be an expert on everything, but you should know enough about each topic to answer questions if anyone has them.
Keep your audience in mind, but try to make it relevant for people outside of the room, too. Remember, your audience will likely share things they’ve learned from your presentation with family and friends. If those things are also interesting to others, that’s great news! Your presentation continues to touch minds and hearts long after you’re through with your event.
5. End Strong
Yes, first impressions last. But when it comes to presentations, the ending is just as important. You need to end strong because it will leave people with a lasting impression of your presentation and what you have to offer.
Always thank everyone for listening and giving feedback if they have any questions. Offer your audience something to take away from the presentation. This may include action items that people can do, such as making a phone call or sending an email.
You should be specific about what you want your audience to do with the information they’ve learned. Offer tips and tricks for getting more out of their current situation.
Finally, if you’re a marketer or a sales agent, be sure to reach out to your audience to sustain your connection with them. You can use software tools like Hubspot Service Hub to keep your customers engaged, guided, and loyal.
Keep Audiences Engaged from Start to End
Document creation platforms can help you be more creative and effective when crafting presentations for all sorts of audiences. These tools can help you be more creative and effective when designing presentations for any size audience or occasion, from a formal client pitch to a routine team meeting at the office, so don’t be afraid to try them out.
A great presentation can provide you with a real competitive advantage, but only if it’s well-crafted and thoughtfully presented. You want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your presentation tools, and that means making sure that you’re using all of their capabilities as effectively as possible.